

Natural history study at Taihoku Imperial University



Research Accomplishments in Natural History



Taihoku Imperial University signed up a roster of renowned research figures at its founding. Despite the fact that hardware and buildings had yet to be constructed, the number of collected specimens and published papers had been remarkable, showcasing outstanding accomplishments across disciplines.

According to the data on its graduates by Taihoku Imperial University, from 1931 to 1943, a total of 323 students graduated from the Faculty of Literature and Politics, while 274 students graduated from the Faculty of Science and Agriculture (including the total number of graduates after the division). For the latter, the number of graduates each year was below 40, with the majority specializing in agriculture and agricultural chemistry. Only 25 students graduated with a degree in biology, and 3 in geology.



Taihoku Imperial University No. 1 PhD Diploma


Born in 1930 (Showa 5), Maki Takaji entered the Department of Biology in the College of Science and Agriculture, Taihoku Imperial University. After obtaining a bachelor’s degree in science, he conducted research in the thoracic musculature of insects at graduate school. In 1939, he obtained the first PhD diploma with a dissertation titled “Studies on The Thoracic Musculature of Insects.”


The Establishment and Architecture
of the Faculty of Science and Agriculture


The Faculty of Science and Agriculture’s lectures on natural history took place in many of the architectural spaces on the campus of National Taiwan University. However, some have been repurposed, while some have been demolished. These spaces and the collections within are essential archives for the natural environment and resources; these include the biology classroom and zoology classroom (the old site of the Museum of Zoology), the herbarium (TAI Herbarium), the Taihoku botanic garden (the current site of Fu Ssu-nien Memorial Garden), the entomology and sericulture classroom (the current site of NTU Insect Museum), animal science classroom, animal health research laboratory (the current site of Department of Geosciences and NTU Geo-specimen Cottage), the library’s office, stacks, and reading room (the current site of NTU History Gallery), almost all of which have retained their teaching, research and exhibit purposes.


From the Faculty of Science and Agriculture,
to the Faculty of Science and Faculty of Agriculture




The founding goal of the Faculty of Science and Agriculture is "to pursue studies of regional features; all of the disciplines will be focused on Taiwan, using tropical and sub-tropical regions as subjects of study to collect data on endemic animals, plants and production."

Oshima Kintaro, the first Dean of the Faculty of Science and Agriculture, put forward a new concept of "integration of Science and Agriculture". It is unique feature of Taipei Imperial University that is different from other Imperial Universities. The students of Faculty of Science and Agriculture can choose the same major even belong different disciplines. The students of agriculture and biology can choose major of entomology, and each have Bachelor degree of Agriculture or Science. Dr. Oshima believes that this adjustment is "integration of Science and Agriculture", and the beginning of the early integration of the Faculty of Science and Faculty of Agriculture of Taipei Imperial University.

The Faculty consists of four disciplines—biology, chemistry, agriculture, and agricultural chemistry–as well as ten lectures on botany, zoology, geology, meteorology, chemistry, biochemistry, agricultural chemistry, phytopathology, applied mycology, entomology and sericulture. Four lectures are directly linked to natural history study: botany, zoology, entomology, and geology.

In 1943, the Faculty of Science and Agriculture was divided into the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Agriculture. "Specializations" were changed to "subjects", where three (zoology, botany, geology) remained in the Faculty of Science and one (entomology) in the Faculty of Agriculture.


Student Lists